Hospitals, Clinics & Allied Health

Your efforts to improve patient experience and safety will forever fall short if patients and their care partners are not actively involved in every aspect of care as critical members of their own health care team.

You’ve been teaching staff to engage patients.

We teach patients to engage staff.

Are you confident that your patients, families and staff are engaging in fully collaborative partnerships that contribute to the safest, most compassionate and effective care possible?

CE courses are commonly offered to health care personnel to learn shared decision making and to understand the value of patient engagement. Onboarding training in person-centered care is often mandatory as is systemwide training in quality and safety. While these efforts help your staff gain skills that benefit themselves, your hospital and their patients, that’s only one side of any health care conversation.

It’s becoming widely accepted that the patient’s viewpoint is a crucial component to the delivery of care, yet these efforts generally focus on training the care team to engage with the patient – without directly addressing how to equip the patient to be part of the care team. We fill that critical gap.


The Excitant Solution

© Excitant Health
© Excitant Health

A true Culture of Collaborative Care must include the patient and family as full partners to bridge the patient engagement gap.

Our evidence-based solutions not only equip your patients and families with the necessary knowledge and tools to be more effective partners in their own care, we also equip your care teams with the tools they need to better receive and foster the input of the patient and family.

All in. All on the same page.

Our onsite program for health care settings provides intake coaching for patients and families as well as workshops for health care professionals to create the synergy necessary for safe, effective care.

© Excitant Health
© Excitant Health

Educating your staff improves their ability to provide safe, compassionate care.

Educating patients and families in how to effectively collaborate takes their care and experience to the next level: improving staff morale, safety and quality of care, and reducing hospital acquired conditions, re-hospitalizations and preventable errors.

When all parties work together, respecting what each brings to the table, you finally have synergy.

"...the largest, yet most neglected healthcare resource, worldwide, is the patient"

- Dr. Warner Slack, Harvard Medical School

We coach health care consumers to be informed, assertive, collaborative, essential voices in their care.